



2024-07-12 19:01:13 来源:网络


keep up词典解释 keep up的词典解释是:(与…)齐步前进;不落后(于…)If youkeep up with someone or something that is moving near you, you move at the same speed。
keep up的词典解释是:(与…)齐步前进;不落后(于…)If youkeep up with someone or something that is moving near you, you move at the same speed。keep up的意思是保持;继续;不低落;不落后。keep up的读音是英[kiːpʌp];美[kiːpʌp]。
一、英英释义点此查看keep up的详细内容
"He could not keep up and dropped out of the race"
"We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible""prolong the treatment of the patient""keep up the good work"
"We preserve these archeological findings""The old lady could not keep up the building""children must be taught to conserve our national heritage""The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts"
"He kept up on his country's foreign policies"
"The anticipation of the trip kept the children up all night""I kept myself up all night studying for the exam"
1. 保持:holdup耽搁 |keepup保持 | lookup查找;找出
2. keep up的翻译
2. 维持:keep out 挡住,使不进去 |keepup维持 |keep from阻止,抑制
3. 坚持:holdup 延误 |keepup 坚持 | cut down砍倒
4. 继续:29. stay put 待在原地 | 30.keepup 继续 | 31. tieup 占用
The house is becoming too expensive for them to keep up.
The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up.
The enemy kept up their bombardment day and night.
A:All my bags are checked in. I guess I'm all set to go.我的行李都检查完了,看来我可以走了。
B:I know you must be excited to go home after such a long business trip.出差这么久,终于要回家了,我想你一定很高兴。
A:I am sure. So, we'll be expecting the first shipment in less than a month.那当然。我们都希望第一批货在一个月之内可以装船。
B:Yes, that's right. They'll be there in no time.没错,货很快就会运到。
keep up的反义词
A:Good. Tell Mr. Gao at the factory tokeepup the good work.很好,请告诉工厂的高先生继续努力。
B:I think all the products are going to sell very well.我相信这批货一定会卖得很好。
keep up的近义词
A:We hope so! It's always good to work with you, Tom.希望如此!汤姆,和你们合作总是很愉快。
keep up
B:I want to thank you for placing such a big order with us. You won't be disappointed.谢谢你下了这么大的订单,你一定不会失望的。
A:I'm sure I won't. I really appreciate all of your hospitality.这点我相信。我真的很感激你的招待。
B:It was my please.And I'd like to give you a little something to take home. Let me unroll it.荣幸之至。对了,我有样小东西想送你,让我把它打开。
A:This is beautiful! Chinese calligraphy. What do these characters mean?好漂亮!是中国书法!这上面写的是什么意思?
B:They mean long life. I remember you liked the calligraphy at the Palace Museum.So I thought you might like it.长命百岁。我记得上次去故宫,你特别喜欢书法。所以,我想你可能会喜欢这个。
A:That's very nice of you. Where did you get it? It's not a print.真细心!你从哪儿弄来的?这还不是复制的呢!
B:No, it's an original. My father's friend is a calligrapher, and I had him make it for you.And his name and the date are on the bottom.没错,这可是真迹。我父亲的朋友是书法家,专门帮你写的.他的名字和日期都在下面。
A:I'll hang it in my office. But I feel bad I didn't get you anything.我要把它挂在办公室。不过,真不好意思,我什么也没送你。
keep up的解释
B:Don't worry about it. It's a taken of my appreciation for your business, and friendship.没关系的。这是向你表示我们在生意及友谊上的一点心意。
keep up的翻译
A:If you have time around Christmas, please come to visit my family.And I'll be able to show you around our city.如果你圣诞节前后有空,欢迎到我家来玩。我可以带你在我们那儿四处看看。
B:Thanks for the invitation. And please give my regards to your wife.谢谢你的邀请。请代我问候贵夫人。
A:You do the same. Well, I'd better go. Thanks again for everything.你也代我问候一声。好,我得走了,再次谢谢你们的招待。
keep up的相关近义词
keep up的相关临近词
keep、keep shady、keep aloof、keep faith、keep noble、keep a key、keep place、keep after、keep plate、keep vigil、keep apart
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keep up with的读音 keep up with的读音是:英[kiːpʌpwɪð]。
keep up with的读音是:英[kiːpʌpwɪð]。keep up with的网络解释是 跟上,不落后:keepup 继续;坚持,维持 |keepupwith 跟上,不落后 | kill off 消灭,杀光。keep up with的例句是I was put to it to keep up with his pace.我跟上他是不容易的。
一、参考翻译点此查看keep up with的详细内容
1. 跟上,不落后:keepup 继续;坚持,维持 |keepupwith 跟上,不落后 | kill off 消灭,杀光
2. 向...看齐,跟上:keep to保持,坚持 |keepupwith向......看齐,跟上...... |keepup保持,维持;继续,坚持
3. 跟上:keepup your courage保持勇气,别泄气 |keepupwith 跟上 | look out 小心,当心;向外看
4. 跟上;赶上:diet n 日常饮食 |keepupwith 跟上;赶上 | pace n (一)步;速度;步调
I was put to it to keep up with his pace.
They had to bring the card index up to date.
keep up with的相关临近词
keep、keep nix
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用keep up造句子 造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【keep up造句】内容,供您参考。
1、She likes to keep up with the latest fashions.(她喜欢赶时髦。)
2、The company agreed to keep up high levels of output in order to compensate for supplies lost.(该公司同意保持高产出水平以补偿损失掉的供应品。)
3、Jack was huffing and puffing to keep up with her.(杰克气喘吁吁地跟着她。)
4、It pays to keep up to date with your work.(工作能跟上时代是有利的。)
5、How many of your old school friends do you keep up with?(你与多少老同学保持着联系?)
6、Penny tended to work through her lunch hour in an effort to keep up with her work.(为了努力跟上工作进度,彭妮往往午饭时间也在工作。)
7、If homeowners can't keep up the payments, they face foreclosure.(如果房主不能继续还贷,他们就面临抵押品赎回权被取消的危险。)
8、It took a lot of time and energy to keep up with everyone's status updates.(紧跟每个人的状态变化会花费大量的时间和精力。)
9、I can't keep up with all the changes.(我并非所有的变化都能跟得上。)
10、Do you still keep up your Spanish?(你还坚持说西班牙语吗?)
11、Many people were holding down three jobs just to keep up with the Joneses.(许多人做三份工作仅仅只是为了与他人攀比。)
12、This scarcely seems adequate help to enable slow learners to keep up.(这似乎不足以帮助迟钝的学习者跟上我们的节奏。)
13、In his diseased ravings he called himself the Prince of Wales, and bravely doth he keep up the character.(在他那病态的胡言乱语中,他称自己为威尔士王子,并勇敢地保持着这个称号。)
14、I love books because they help me keep up with things I need to know for my profession.(我爱书,因为它们帮助我跟上我的职业需要知道的事情。)
15、Pregnant employees struggled to keep up.(怀孕的员工很难跟上。)
16、If you do not keep up with the payments you could lose your home.(如果你不继续付款,你的住房就可能保不住了。)
17、The two saleswomen were busily trying to keep up with the demand.(这两个女售货员正忙着尽力满足顾客的需求。)
18、He lengthened his stride to keep up with his father.(他迈开大步跟上他父亲。)
19、We need to be innovating constantly to keep up with this.(我们需要不断创新,才能跟上它。)
20、She was unable to keep up the pretence that she loved him.(她无法继续假装爱他了。)
21、Slow down—I can't keep up!(慢点—我跟不上了!)
22、She did not bother to keep up with the news.(她不愿操心去了解新闻。)
23、for years he managed to keep up the fiction that he was not married.(多年来他设法一直给人一种未婚的假象。)
24、But they are often able to keep up with normal routine of work.(但他们往往能跟上正常的日常工作节奏。)

五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

keep up with造句 造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【keep up with造句】内容,供您参考。
1、She did not bother to keep up with the news.(她不愿操心去了解新闻。)
2、Penny tended to work through her lunch hour in an effort to keep up with her work.(为了努力跟上工作进度,彭妮往往午饭时间也在工作。)
3、After World War II, benefit payments to American workers did not keep up with the cost of living.(第二次世界大战后,美国工人的福利支出赶不上生活成本。)
4、keep up with it forward!(紧跟它向前吧!)
5、She likes to keep up with the latest fashions.(她喜欢赶时髦。)
6、I can't keep up with all the changes.(我并非所有的变化都能跟得上。)
7、How many of your old school friends do you keep up with?(你与多少老同学保持着联系?)
8、keep up with trends, even think about how your work might fit in with them, but don't mindlessly follow them.(跟上潮流,甚至考虑一下如何使你的工作与其适应,但不要盲目地跟随它们。)
9、But they are often able to keep up with normal routine of work.(但他们往往能跟上正常的日常工作节奏。)
10、Many people were holding down three jobs just to keep up with the Joneses.(许多人做三份工作仅仅只是为了与他人攀比。)
11、Hire people willing to keep up with it.(请雇佣愿意跟上它的人。)
12、You have to try and keep up with that stuff.(你一定要努力,并跟上这些生活细节。)
13、At times the unexpected demand for Reebok's exceeded supply, and the company could barely keep up with orders from the dealers it already had.(有时Reebok的需求量出人意料地超过了供应量,该公司几乎无法完成已有经销商的订单。)
14、The elephant was trying to keep up with the fast-moving crocodile in the water and became careless.(大象试图跟上水里快速移动的鳄鱼,不再小心翼翼。)
15、I love books because they help me keep up with things I need to know for my profession.(我爱书,因为它们帮助我跟上我的职业需要知道的事情。)
16、On one hand, they want to keep up with the joneses and on the other hand, there's the snob effect.(一方面他们想要赶上和自己地位相仿的人,另一方面又存在虚荣效应。)
17、If you do not keep up with the payments you could lose your home.(如果你不继续付款,你的住房就可能保不住了。)
18、keep up with boat maintenance and repairs.(及时对船只进行保养和修理。)
19、We need to be innovating constantly to keep up with this.(我们需要不断创新,才能跟上它。)
20、It took a lot of time and energy to keep up with everyone's status updates.(紧跟每个人的状态变化会花费大量的时间和精力。)
21、The two saleswomen were busily trying to keep up with the demand.(这两个女售货员正忙着尽力满足顾客的需求。)
22、He lengthened his stride to keep up with his father.(他迈开大步跟上他父亲。)
23、Jack was huffing and puffing to keep up with her.(杰克气喘吁吁地跟着她。)
24、I can't keep up with you, frankly.(坦白地说,我没法跟上你的生活步伐。)

五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

keep up的词典解释是什么 keep up的词典解释是:(与…)齐步前进;不落后(于…)If youkeep up with someone or something that is moving near you, you move at the same speed。
keep up的词典解释是:(与…)齐步前进;不落后(于…)If youkeep up with someone or something that is moving near you, you move at the same speed。keep up的意思是保持;继续;不低落;不落后。keep up的读音是英[kiːpʌp];美[kiːpʌp]。
一、参考翻译点此查看keep up的详细内容
"He could not keep up and dropped out of the race"
"We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible""prolong the treatment of the patient""keep up the good work"
"We preserve these archeological findings""The old lady could not keep up the building""children must be taught to conserve our national heritage""The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts"
"He kept up on his country's foreign policies"
"The anticipation of the trip kept the children up all night""I kept myself up all night studying for the exam"
The house is becoming too expensive for them to keep up.
The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up.
The enemy kept up their bombardment day and night.
A:All my bags are checked in. I guess I'm all set to go.我的行李都检查完了,看来我可以走了。
B:I know you must be excited to go home after such a long business trip.出差这么久,终于要回家了,我想你一定很高兴。
A:I am sure. So, we'll be expecting the first shipment in less than a month.那当然。我们都希望第一批货在一个月之内可以装船。
B:Yes, that's right. They'll be there in no time.没错,货很快就会运到。
keep up的反义词
A:Good. Tell Mr. Gao at the factory tokeepup the good work.很好,请告诉工厂的高先生继续努力。
B:I think all the products are going to sell very well.我相信这批货一定会卖得很好。
keep up的近义词
A:We hope so! It's always good to work with you, Tom.希望如此!汤姆,和你们合作总是很愉快。
keep up
B:I want to thank you for placing such a big order with us. You won't be disappointed.谢谢你下了这么大的订单,你一定不会失望的。
A:I'm sure I won't. I really appreciate all of your hospitality.这点我相信。我真的很感激你的招待。
B:It was my please.And I'd like to give you a little something to take home. Let me unroll it.荣幸之至。对了,我有样小东西想送你,让我把它打开。
A:This is beautiful! Chinese calligraphy. What do these characters mean?好漂亮!是中国书法!这上面写的是什么意思?
B:They mean long life. I remember you liked the calligraphy at the Palace Museum.So I thought you might like it.长命百岁。我记得上次去故宫,你特别喜欢书法。所以,我想你可能会喜欢这个。
A:That's very nice of you. Where did you get it? It's not a print.真细心!你从哪儿弄来的?这还不是复制的呢!
B:No, it's an original. My father's friend is a calligrapher, and I had him make it for you.And his name and the date are on the bottom.没错,这可是真迹。我父亲的朋友是书法家,专门帮你写的.他的名字和日期都在下面。
A:I'll hang it in my office. But I feel bad I didn't get you anything.我要把它挂在办公室。不过,真不好意思,我什么也没送你。
keep up的解释
B:Don't worry about it. It's a taken of my appreciation for your business, and friendship.没关系的。这是向你表示我们在生意及友谊上的一点心意。
keep up的翻译
A:If you have time around Christmas, please come to visit my family.And I'll be able to show you around our city.如果你圣诞节前后有空,欢迎到我家来玩。我可以带你在我们那儿四处看看。
B:Thanks for the invitation. And please give my regards to your wife.谢谢你的邀请。请代我问候贵夫人。
A:You do the same. Well, I'd better go. Thanks again for everything.你也代我问候一声。好,我得走了,再次谢谢你们的招待。
keep up的相关近义词
keep up的相关临近词
keep、keep shady、keep aloof、keep faith、keep noble、keep a key、keep place、keep after、keep plate、keep vigil、keep apart
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